Complementary colors are pairs of colors that are directly opposite each other on the color wheel. They create a strong contrast and tend to intensify each other when used together. The primary complementary colors are red and green, blue and orange, and yellow and purple.
Using complementary colors in design can create a dynamic and visually interesting look. For example, a blue and orange color scheme is often used in movie posters or sports team logos. The contrast between the two creates a visually appealing composition. Blue is a cool color that has a calming and trustworthy effect, while orange is a warm color that is often associated with excitement and enthusiasm. When these two colors are placed next to each other, they create a strong contrast that can be eye-catching and visually appealing.
Another example is the red and green color scheme, which is often used during the holiday season. The red represents warmth, passion, and energy, while the green represents nature, harmony, and balance. Together, they create a festive and cheerful atmosphere. Well, that and hot cocoa!
It’s important to note that using complementary colors together can be overwhelming if not used in moderation. To achieve a harmonious balance, it’s recommended to use one color as the dominant color and the other as an accent color.